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When I met Russell, I was not only terrified of the gym and discouraged by how out of shape I was - I could barely even move. My back pain had sprung up again. I expected Russell to tell me to get better and then come see him for training. Instead, he listened to my goals, helped me identify safe ways to move, and worked with me as much as I was comfortable with.
Callie W.

If you are looking for an approachable personal trainer, sensitive to your needs, in tune with your physicality, conscientious of your mental well-being, and skilled in practical applicability, ...Russell may well be the wellness partner for you.
Leslie O.

From our first consultation, I soon found out that Russell was just the trainer I was looking for: friendly, a good listener, and patient. I didn't feel like I had to be embarrassed anymore, and his enthusiasm during our workouts encouraged me to make exercise a part of my lifestyle.
August V.

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